Infertility Treatments | Sioux City | Siouxland Obstetrics & Gynecology

Infertility Treatments

Infertility is often a very distressing, frustrating and complicated problem. Our desire at your initial consultation is to provide you with information and to help you understand possible diagnosis, evaluation and treatment plan.

We hope to help you achieve your dream with diagnostic tests and therapeutic efforts. Your evaluation will be tailored based on history and exam findings.

Basic Workup/Evaluation

1. Blood Tests

Primarily used to diagnose causes for ovulation failure or to confirm that ovulation is occurring.

2. Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Graphing

This graphing is helpful to determine if ovulation is occurring, but it can be difficult to pinpoint the specific day of ovulation with this test alone.

3. Ovulator Predictor Kits

This is a urine test which detects luteinizing hormone in the urine 24-48 hours prior to ovulation. This is important for timing intercourse.

4. Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

This test is used to evaluate tubal factors and uterine factors by assessing tubal patency as well as uterine malformations. This test is performed in the radiology departments at the hospital. Click here to read more about HSG.

5. Semen Analysis

Evaluates the sperm concentration (count), and the quality (motility and shape). If the results are significantly abnormal, a urology evaluation may be recommended.

6. Ultrasound (Follicular Studies)

These are ultrasound exams done mid-cycle around ovulation to determine the size/adequacy of the developing follicle.

For more information, please click here to read Evaluating Infertility or please click here to read Treating Infertility.